Monday, January 2, 2012

Holiday Break Top Ten

The closer we got to the end of the year, the more rogue top ten lists popped up. That's when I came up with the idea for this and subsequent posts. Top ten lists! David Letterman has so much success with it, I figured, why not? Each week it'll be a different top ten list (don't worry, i'll post other things as well) to keep the interest level high, or at least away from drooling and snoring status. This week the top ten list is:


The story I am working on still doesn't have a name, but it is coming along nicely. I am culling all sorts of creative ideas from different sources non-scientific, and even created a synopsis that i later have changed. The story keeps evolving, changing, it is an organic thing that has taken on a life of its own. 

I hope i don't stretch myself too thin on this one. I will say that very little of the story is like what i first divulged.  And i am hoping to only share my ideas with an editor, one of my writing associates or another trusted source who will have first hand knowledge of all the intricacies of the story. I haven't chosen the person as of yet, but hopefully someone might want to take on the task that is reading right now. Who knows.

In the meantime I am going to update the blog with top ten lists of favorite words of the week, that will sum up the type of week i've had. I will also sprinkle it with other random musings in a similar vein until a more cohesive "theme" is established which will combine the musings.

ciao for now!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Time Travel Paradox

I have been doing some research for the short story I plan on writing. It takes place 500 years in the future and will explain aliens, time travel and the future in one handy short story that will be expanded after the short story is released. I don't have a title yet. The scientist who resonates the most with me is Michio Kaku. He makes science exciting and fun.

The most fascinating theory of his i learned was the Time Travel Paradox, or the lack thereof. This inspired me to include an aspect to my story that included parallel universes.

The future world I will be writing about is one that is based on the evolution of the technology of today. Corporations will be the electorate's in each state come voting time, not all states exist as they do today, some have become part of corporate mergers. Corporate names no longer exist, only logos represent a corporation/electorate/statehood. The universal language is English. The second universal language is the Coprorate Logo.

Humans are partially computerized, where fetal brain matter is mapped like a computer's motherboard, or a smart phone. Conversations are not face-to-face or one-on-one, they are phone calls or the equivalent of comments on a facebook post, and the internet, which I will dubb the "mentalnet", can be viewed through contact lenses when the eyelids are closed. Logging on is done by activating a synapse in the brain through vocalization. Keyboards, computers and phones are no longer needed. A humanoid just vocalizes what they want to compose or what they want to see or read and it will appear behind their eyes.

Diseases have been made obsolete because bacteria is no longer organic, it is produced in a lab. Because there are no diseases, the healthcare industry has evolved into biologists and geneticists. Humanoids are only allowed one child per family then all the other eggs become sterile. Choosing a family wisely is extremely important. The process of courtship is no longer the same. A person's bio is created as they experience life and is uploaded on the mentalnet. A possible suitor need only to investigate the bio of a humanoid they desire and go from there. Some things, like cell memory, and environmental influences cannot be genetically obsolete they are a process of life. Sexual intercourse is no longer necessary. The pleasure center in the brain only needs to be overstimulated in the reproductive areas. This is an addiction even in the future. Humanoids can also share parts of their unique energy signatures to create the feeling that touching and closeness once produced in this era.

They eat cloned animals. The earth's main fuel source is solar energy.
     -[Converting sunlight into electricity by tiny solar cells embedded into roads, and concentrating solar power by constructing very large space-based solar power satellites that utilize wireless power transmission, converting solar energy into electrical energy via laser emitter and focusing its beam toward a rectenna collector outside of the atmosphere]-

There are other possibilities of our universe that exist, all parallel to the one in which we currently dwell. Some of these other parallel universes will also be visited by our futuristic humanoid protagonist. The future I have mapped out above is the one my character will come from. The one she's going to, the one in which we dwell at this very moment, is not her universe. This universe is parallel to hers. She is able to come back and time to observe and possibly affect a parallel universe because it is not the same stream as her own. (See Michio's video link by clicking his name above.) 

I've been really just doing research and fleshing out the details of the story I plan on writing.

Is this inspiring, boring, or confusing to you? Or just plain nerd-douchey? Share your thoughts! Thanks!

Sunday, December 4, 2011


Friday, December 2, 2011

Each program, another acre on the field.
The data is the crops
the keyboard is the plow
and I am a mule
the deadline is the whip
this company is the master
and Capitalism is the baiter

my headphones are Negro Spirituals

this department is the plantation
my desk, the pallet upon which i rest
but only in a position prone for plowing.

I moaned in front of the monitor at work. She said "it's almost over". I said "i'm dropping the plow now" and logged off.

Creative Block

December 1, 2011

I'm having a hard time writing lately. I have all kinds of ideas, but the ink in my pen is clogged - needs a laxative. My kitten Isis is staring at me right now...wonder what she thinks about?
Wondering what i'm thinking about?

On the bus ride home I finally understood something that has gradually been a reality for many years now - the talent and skills responsible for arts have slowly been de-emphasized. Everyone is an artist. Being an "artist" is a dying art. What good is it developing the art of "method acting" when "reality shows" and You Tube lazily showcase the "everyday" insanity of imbalanced people? A musician need not go to music school when electronic software can mimic the sound of a live instrument, autotone can mechanize the voice of a bad singer, and the enormous honor it used to be to go to a recording studio to have a reel-to-reel recording that later is pressed to vinyl, is lost on "do-it-yourself" gadgets. The existing actors, musicians and recording artists are being remixed, mimicked and exploited by wannabe artists and the media.

Writers are even a mockery. Everyone has a blog, an autobiography, a point of view. Rogue journalists, photographers, graphic artists, editorialists, and comedians are starting up their own franchises, and are running them off the steam of their own popularity, not the merit of their skills. It seems the era of Entertainment Renaissance is now over and has been swiftly replaced with hype men and hype women desperate for their fifteen months of fame, oversaturating a market that is now the "free-market" free-for-all. Too many chefs and not enough short-order line cooks. That is why this blog will go largely unnoticed, and why my motivation has been choked out of me.

Am I sour? Of course I am! I am one of those dinosaurs caught in a generational divide between already established artists who got their name out there when it meant something, and narcissistic exhibitionists masquerading as artists, who have gotten by on their charm and good looks. Artists had an "American Dream", too. And we're all sitting back, aghast, watching it turn into a hellish nightmare. The Mighty Land of Capitalism; where if you believe in yourself enough, and have a talent for your craft, and work tirelessly for your dream no matter how poor or socially awkward according to the current conventions or difficult on the eyes; promises that you, too, could pull yourself up by your boot straps and achieve success in your area of expertise...that, my dear friends, simply isn't true anymore. Now, I can delude myself by continuing to vy for the attention of a generation I don't fully understand, but I would be wasting my time.

I appreciate a good philosophical debate over an idea. A back and forth dialogue among my peers, so to speak, but no one cares to weigh in. The unfortunate aspect about all this is: I am not a recluse. So today, I am truly at a loss. If you are reading this now, don't get me wrong, I thoroughly appreciate your support, and in no way am trying to have a pity party-temper tantrum-"i am such a victim"-fest (so please don't marginalize my sobering observations with your pity or consolation), I am concerned that the number of viewers of this blog is so tiny I could group you all up in a mailing list and e-mail out a weekly newsletter and accomplish the same end...(to be continued...)


Okay, switching gears now, I was wondering...if I were to write a short story, where would I send the drafts? With technology being the way it is, do I email a file? No one uses snail mail anymore. I ask because I am seriously considering writing a book - and finishing it - about a person who gets abducted by an alien, only to find it is their great-to the tenth power-granddaughter from the future who evolved over time into an almost unrecognizable species, and traveled back in time on an archaelogical field trip, or maybe perhaps to conduct a family tree of sorts for a class in school. Or something along those lines. Any suggestions? The time for a back and forth dialogue is now. If you would like to post a response elsewhere just post something to one of my facebook pages. Thanks for all your support!

Seasonal Aromatherapy

November 21, 2011

Today I started the day riding a bus that smelled like turkey dinner, as if the driver started his shift with an aromatherapy spray bottle in hand, filled with Thanksgiving that he spritzed to create ambiance and cover up whatever odor the bums left the night before.

That would be something if holidays could be bottled up and sprayed to create a mood or a memory. Just imagine who could benefit from such a thing: psychiatrist's offices could spray cotton candy scent at Easter - well, no, strike that, not every person celebrates Easter, and judging on why they're at the psychiatrist's office - may not have good memories associated with Easter...let's see, what else?
Mega Marts could have the smell of pine needles and gingerbread cookies to really hook spenders into getting in the "spirit" of - well, not being very spiritually aware. And Johnnie Brock's Dungeon could be filled with the smell of Belgian chocolate.

Or maybe holiday smells that contain food should only be sprayed in restaurants and grocery stores.

Sunday, November 20, 2011


This morning I woke up and realized I spent the whole night fighting sleep, wanting to wake up and put my c-pap machine on my face, but falling back asleep every time I remembered. I had repetitive dreams revolving around the numbers 11 and 18. I had to line people up in sets of 11 and then later something to do with the number 18. I don't know...maybe I should work them into the lottery somehow. Numbers are a recurring theme in my dreams, especially ones that are out of place for the scene they are in. Such as a $7 bill, or 57 o'clock. Any ideas?

Before going to bed, I caved in to one of my guilty pleasures: nerdy science fiction. I was watching a program I DVR'ed at my parents house in a series called "The Prophets of Science Fiction", episode: "Philip K. Dick". Sooo fascinating. Which is exactly why falling asleep was the last thing I wanted to do. I must've fought with the rewind button for two hours. It was insane, the one moment I have to shamelessly watch a nerdy show no one would want to sit through with me, and I can't even sit through it myself! AAArgh!

I decided I was going to spend more time listening to what people say and less time interrupting them with an anecdote of my own, no matter how fitting. So today, I did just my Mom and daughter think i'm acting "weird". Now, I know my second middle name is weird, so this was not at all a "weird" thing to say, but, the reason they thought i was being "weird" in a way that was weirder than the usual weird, was because I was staring blankly at them. Making them uncomfortable. I guess if I am going to actually listen to a person talk, I should try not to go off on tangents in my mind unrelated to anything.

...there are a lot of euphamisms and catch phrases involving the word Tom. Peeping Tom. Tom, Dick and Harry. Tomboy. Tommy Gun. Tom Turkey. Pat & Tom. Tom Tom...

See what I mean? Speaking of blank spots, such is this rainy Seattle-esque day. I mean, just plain blah! This weekend at the parents house, I was not joined by my BF Qual. He had to work. My daughter went to a birthday slumber party, then came back today ready to do her homework. My nephew left with my sister and brother in law just moments ago and my dad snuck off to the store while I was typing this blog when he knew I needed to go. (I am not supposed to drive in the state of missouri...i don't wanna get into it) My mom snuck off to the store before i woke up. hehehe I know what's going on here...I spend too long in the store and no one wants to be bothered. In fact, I don't even want to be bothered with this boring blog, but i just keep going and going anyway...what was I saying?

On that note, I think I should go. I need to be alert in case someone should feel so kind as to drop me off at the store. I don't have internet at my house, but I am here every weekend. I will be posting an extra long blog for the entire week on Saturdays. The next blog will be sooner because of the Thanksgiving holiday. That should be an interesting blog, indeed. So stay tuned. Or as I like to say - Plugged into the Matrix.

Until then...